Horror Fiction


Mr. X’s Thoughts at Work

Here I am, once again, staring at the computer and thinking of ways to spread the word about Mysterious McCrone’s Box of Fright. The terror has just been launched and contains seven horror stories. (Eight creepy tales in all if you include the bonus story.)

Although I need to begin promoting this horrific work, I can’t help but grin. Here I am, sitting in a room all by myself, with the world at my fingertips. And yet, I can’t even reach out for help to the outside world. I have no idea where I am. And even worse, although I can remember most of my life, I can’t recall my real name or even what state I’m living in. It’s as if Mysterious McCrone stripped me of this knowledge after he brought me here.

Life can sure be ironic at times. It’s as if I’m trapped inside of a darkened cave with a heavy duty flashlight with no batteries!

Well, that’s it for now. I must now begin exploring ways to get the Box of Fright found by all of you eager horror fans out there, hungry for something new to sink your teeth into.

For if I fail, I don’t think that the grin plastered on my face right now will remain for very long.